Media Appearances
Mason Consulting has authored a number of research and statistical reports dealing with issues in the graphic arts industry. We have also collaborated with a number of other researchers in the industry on similar projects. The topics covered by these projects and the sponsors include:
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- Adaptation Strategies for a Changing Business Environment for Printing Equipment Manufacturers. (PRIMIR)
- The Market for Print Finishing Technologies (PRIMIR)
- The Current and Future Status of Integrated Automation in the Commercial Printing Industry (PRIMIR, with PrintCom Consulting)
- Direct Digital Imaging (PRIMIR, with PrintCom Consulting)
- Study and Analysis of Digital Color Wide-Format Printing (PRIMIR, with PrintCom Consulting)
- The Use of Computers and Software in the Foil Stamping and Embossing Industry (FSEA)
- A Study Comparing the Needs and Concerns of Manufacturers with Those of Graphic Arts Dealers and Distributors (NPES)
- Operations and Wages in the Foil Stamping and Embossing Industry (FSEA)
- Demographics of Foil Stamping and Embossing Association Members (FSEA)
- Compensation Practices of Composite Can and Tube Institute Members (CCTI)
- Recovered Fiber Usage by Composite Can and Tube Institute Members (CCTI)
- How PrintImage International Members Perform Mailing Services (PII)
- Electricity Use in the Printing Industry (NPES, with Energetics, Inc)
Sales Compensation Practices of North American Graphic Arts Suppliers
- Association Dealer Members (NAGASA)
- Computerization and Business Systems at North American Graphic Arts Suppliers Association Dealer Members (NAGASA)
- How North American Graphic Arts Suppliers Association Dealer Members View the Channel (NAGASA)
- How North American Graphic Arts Suppliers Association Dealer Members View Trade Shows (NAGASA)
- How North American Graphic Arts Suppliers Association Manufacturer Members View Distribution Practices (NAGASA)
- How North American Graphic Arts Suppliers Association Dealer Members View Distribution Practices (NAGASA)
- Service Practices of North American Graphic Arts Suppliers Association Dealer Members (NAGASA)
- Markets, Products and Applications in the Business Forms and Label Industry (IBFI)
- Review and Applications of Direct-to-Plate Technology in the Business Forms and Label Industry (IBFI)
- Market Potential for Polyester Printing Plates (PRIMIR, with PrintCom Consulting)
- An Industry Assessment of Package Printing (NPES, with Prism Associates)
See All
- Digital Moment of Truth: Designing and Creating Packaging for E-Commerce. Panel moderated at Labelexpo Americas 2019, Chicago, IL. 26 September 2018.
- Adaptation Strategies for a Changing Business Environment by Printing Equipment Manufacturers
Presentation before the NPES 2014 Annual Conference and PRIMIR Winter Meeting. Charleston, SC. 3 November 2014. - Marketing (Not Sales) for Smaller Printers
Webinar conducted for Printing Industries Association of Northern Kentucky and Ohio. 19 March 2014. - Marketing (Not Sales) for Smaller Printers
Seminar at Graphics of the Americas 2014. Miami Beach, FL. 27 February 2014. - Industry Influencers Panel Discussion
Panelist at EFI Connect 2012—The 13th Annual Professional Print Users’ Conference. Las Vegas, NV. 12 April 2012 - Industry Trends
Presentation at the Canon USA Production Systems Group Customer Roundtable New York, NY. 26 August 2008. - drupa: A Review of New Technologies
Featured presentation at the Printing Association of Florida 2008 Print Management Conference. Orlando, FL. 9 August 2008. - State of the Industry Panel Discussion
Closing session panelist at EFI Connect 2008—The 9th Annual Professional Print Users’ Conference. Las Vegas, NV. 1 August 2008. - A drupa 2008 Review
Luncheon speech before the Austin Section of PIA of MidAmerica. Austin, TX. 26 June 2008. - Hot Off the Press—The Top 10 Items Not to be Missed at drupa 2008
Panelist at the closing session of the 2008 Offset And Beyond Conference. Schaumburg, IL. 29 April 2008 - The Borderless World of Printing
Keynote speech at the Pace Systems Group 2008 FUSION User Conference. Ponte Vedra, Florida. 24 March 2008. - The World of Print in the Future
Featured speech at the Absolute Flexo Forum 2007, a joint meeting of the flexographic printer associations of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Gothenberg, Sweden. 4 October 2007. - How to Extract an Advantage and Profit from Binding and Finishing
Moderator of Technology Panel at Graph Expo and Converting Expo 2007 Executive Outlook. Chicago, IL. 8 September 2007. - Is It Time for the Tail to Start Wagging the Dog? 21st Century Binding and Finishing
Moderator of Technology Panel at Graph Expo and Converting Expo 2006 Executive Outlook. Chicago, IL. 14 October 2006. - Rethinking Pallets
Presentation at the at the 48th Annual Bindery, Finishing and Mailing Operations Conference, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL. Chicago, IL. 27 September 2006. - The Impact of JDF and JMF on Finishing
Presentation and panel moderator at the 48th Annual Bindery, Finishing and Mailing Operations Conference, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL. Chicago, IL. 27 September 2006. - Host at the Global Printing Summit Forum
Shanghai, China. 13 June 2006. - Follow-up to World Print Congress 2005—Globalization and the Printing Industry
Featured speech in the INNOV8 Theatre. IPEX 2006. Birmingham, England. 7 April 2006. - The Five Cs of Color Management
Presentation and panel moderator at the FTA Ink and Color Reproduction Conference, held by the Flexographic Technical Association. Flagstaff, AZ. 19 October 2005. - Globalization in the Printing Industry
Final presentation in a four-part globalization series. Unitarian Church of Hinsdale, Hinsdale, IL. 16 October 2005. - Specialty Finishing
Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Post Print Manufacturers Association. Chicago, IL. 12 September 2005. - Critical Trends in the Pressroom
Speaker at the Annual Breakfast at PRINT 05 and CONVERTING 05, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL. Chicago, IL. 12 September 2005. - Specialty Finishing
Technology presentation at PRINT 05 and CONVERTING 05 Executive Outlook. Chicago, IL. 8 September 2005. - A Call to Action
7th Annual Digital Smart Factory Forum, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL. Miami, FL. 17 June 2005. - Summary and Overview of Full Proceedings
8th World Print Congress. Cape Town, South Africa. 26 January 2005. - Global State of the Print Industry – A Summary Report of the Major Trends in Different Markets
Keynote address, 8th World Print Congress. Cape Town, South Africa. 24 January 2005. - Study Presentation: Integrated Automation in the Printing Industry (with William C. Lamperter, PrintCom Consulting Group)
Quarterly Meeting, Graphic Arts Marketing Information Services (GAMIS), Washington, DC. 8 December, 2004. - drupa and Graph Expo 2004 Highlights
Moderator and presenter on Technology Panel at the 30th Annual Progress in the Pressroom Seminar, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL. Chicago, IL. 17 November 2004. - JDF 101
Technology overview seminar conducted at Graph Expo and Converting Expo 2004. Chicago, IL. 11 and 12 October 2004. - How to Diversify and Prosper with Postpress Technology
Moderator of Technology Panel at Graph Expo and Converting Expo 2004 Executive Outlook. Chicago, IL. 9 October 2004. - What Did We Learn From drupa?
Panelist at the 2004 American Printer Variable Data Printing Conference. Chicago, IL. 12 July 2004. - drupa Review: Printer’s Panel
Panelist at the 2004 NAPL/PIA-GATF Sheetfed Pressroom Conference. Chicago, IL. 14 June 2004. - A drupa Review
Panelist at the 2004 Technical Seminar of the IPA: The Association of Graphic Solution Providers. Chicago, IL. 8 June 2004. - The Innovations and Impact of drupa
Panelist on a webinar conducted by the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation. 27 May 2004. - The Inside Scoop on drupa
Panelist at the closing session of the 2004 Web Offset Association Conference. Chicago, IL. 21 April 2004. - You Heard It Here First . . . Now What?
Moderator of the closing panel at the 46th Annual Binding, Finishing and Distribution Seminar, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL. Chicago, IL. 7 April 2004. - Critical Trends in Digital Press and Imaging
Speaker at the Annual Breakfast at Graph Expo 2003, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL, Chicago, IL. 29 September 2003. - 2-up and 4-up Sheetfed Press Production from CtP to Print to Bind
Moderator of Technology Panel at Graph Expo 2003 Executive Outlook, Chicago, IL. 27 September 2003. - DI Press
Technology and Market Vignettes panelist at Graph Expo 2003 Executive Outlook, Chicago, IL. 27 September, 2003. - Twenty Tidbits to Take Away
Closing speech at the 45th Annual Binding, Finishing and Distribution Seminar, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL. Chicago, IL. 11 April 2003. - Critical Trends in Printing and Publishing: Direct Imaging
Speaker at the Annual Breakfast at GraphExpo 2002, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the NAPL. Chicago, IL. 7 October 2002. - The Binding/Finishing Competitive Opportunity
Moderator of Technical Panel at Graph Expo 2002 Executive Outlook, Chicago, IL. 5 October 2002. - 2002 NPES International Trade Seminar
Meeting moderator. Chicago, IL. 26 July 2002. - The Dealer Channel for Manufacturers
Market research briefing at the Spring 2002 NPES Board of Directors Meeting. San Juan, PR. 9 March 2002. - 2001-2002 Operations and Wage Survey Review
Speech at 2002 Foil Stamping & Embossing Association 6th Annual Convention. Miami Beach, FL. 1 February 2002. - In-Line Finishing—A New Direction in Today’s Finishing Processes
Moderator of Technical Panel at 2002 Foil Stamping & Embossing Association 6th Annual Convention. Miami Beach, FL. 31 January 2002. - The Ten Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself
Closing speech at the 27th Annual Progress in the Pressroom Seminar, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry. Chicago, IL. 16 November 2001. - Foil Stamping and Embossing—A Postpress Opportunity
Moderator of Technical Panel at PRINT 01 Executive Outlook, Chicago, IL. 5 September 2001. - What Did We Hear? So What?
Closing speech at the 51st Annual Critical Trends in Printing and Publishing Conference, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry. Baltimore, MD. 4 May 2001. - 2001 NPES Long Range Planning
Facilitator for NPES Board of Directors Strategic Planning Session. NPES Spring Board Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO. 31 March 2001. - What Did We Hear? So What?
Closing speech at the 50th Annual Critical Trends in Printing and Publishing Conference, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry. Braselton, GA. 20 October 2000. - A Primer on E-Commerce in Graphic Communications
Technical Seminar at the GASC-GATF GraphExpo 2000 Teacher’s Conference. Chicago, IL. 25 September 2000. - Critical Trends in Printing and Publishing: E-Commerce
Speaker at the Annual Breakfast at GraphExpo 2000, held by the Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry. Chicago, IL. 25 September 2000. - Converting and Packaging Prepress
Moderator of Technical Panel at GraphExpo 2000 Executive Outlook, Chicago, IL. 23 September 2000. - Ready Or Not, Here Comes The DI Press
Moderator of Technical Panel at GraphExpo 2000 Executive Outlook, Chicago, IL. 23 September 2000. - PICSA 2000 Keynote and Summary
Keynote and closing speeches at PICSA 2000, the biannual meeting of the Printing Industry Federation of South Africa, Sun City, South Africa. 14 and 16 September 2000. - Digital Printing: If Not Now, When
Technical breakaway sessions at PICSA 2000, the biannual meeting of the Printing Industry Federation of South Africa, Sun City, South Africa. 15 September 2000. - Printing In North America At The Turn Of The Century
Keynote speech at PICSA 2000, the biannual meeting of the Printing Industry Federation of South Africa, Sun City, South Africa. 14 September 2000 - Closing Session: What’s Happening To The Quick Printer
Panelist at PrintImage 2000 Annual Conference. PrintImage International. Chicago, IL. 23 July 2000. - drupa 2000—Highlights and Trends
Keynote speech at the PPC 2000 Technical and Production Forum. Paperboard Packaging Council. Baltimore, MD. 14 July 2000 - E-Commerce For The Printer
Keynote speaker and moderator of E-Commerce Seminar. Printing Industry Association of the South. Nashville, TN. 12 July 2000. - A drupa Review
Quarterly CEO Luncheon. Printing and Imaging Association of Texas. Dallas, TX. 21 June 2000. - From Data Collection to Strategic Direction
Speaker and panel moderator for print business information systems general session. GATF/NAPL Sheetfed Pressroom Conference. Chicago, IL. 20 June 2000. - Brave New Technology: A drupa Retrospective
E-commerce speaker on a general session panel. GATF/NAPL Sheetfed Pressroom Conference. Chicago, IL. 19 June 2000. - E-Commerce for Print: The Digital Smart Factory and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Leadoff speaker at R&E Council Critical Trends Breakfast at drupa 2000. Düsseldorf, Germany. 23 May 2000. - What to Look For at drupa 2000
Breakfast speech before PrintAmerica drupa Tour participants. Düsseldorf, Germany. 22 May 2000. - 2000 NPES Membership Survey Results
Facilitator for NPES Board of Directors Strategic Planning Session. NPES Spring Board Meeting. Sea Island, GA. 1 April 2000. - Why Reinvent the Wheel?—Utilizing an Employee Manual
Panel discussion chaired at the PrintImage International 2000 Mid-Winter Conference. New Orleans, LA. 21 and 22 January 2000.
See All
- Inkjet on the Horizon. Graphic Arts Monthly (Canada). July 2018
- Mason’s Musings: Some Observations from EFI Connect Graphics of the Americas, and Dscoop9 American Printer. Summer 2014. p.28ff.
- Bid or Sell? Printing Industries of America: The Magazine. August 2014. p.14ff.
- Making Metallics More Profitable Flexo. July 2014. p.56ff.
- Print Rocks at GOA 2014 Graphics of the Americsas ExpoNewZ. GOA Wrap-up Issue. April/May 2014. p.1ff.
(Also in Spanish: ¡La Impresión fue la sensación en GOA 2014! Graphics of the Americas ExpoNewZ. GOA Wrap-up Issue. April/May 2014. p.1ff. - Walking the Aisles at GOA: Attendees Speak Out Graphics of the Americsas ExpoNewZ. GOA Wrap-up Issue. April/May 2014. p.7.
(Also in Spanish: ¡La Impresión fue la sensación en GOA 2014! Graphics of the Americas ExpoNewZ. GOA Wrap-up Issue. April/May 2014. p.1ff. - Maximize Your Visit at GOA 2014 Graphics of the Americas ExpoNewZ. Edition 2. February 27, 2014. p.4.
(Also in Spanish: Saque el mayor provecho de su visita a GOA 2014 Graphics of the Americas ExpoNewZ. Edition 2. February 27, 2014. p.4. - OKI Data Americas & Color-Logic Collaborate at GOA Graphics of the Americas ExpoNewZ. Edition 1. February 2014. p.14.
(Also in Spanish: OKI Data Americas & Color-Logic colaboran en GOA Graphics of the Americas ExpoNewZ. Edition 1. February 2014. p.14. - Seminars Present Learning Opportunities in Miami Beach Graphics of the Americas ExpoNewZ. Edition 1. February 2014. p.7.
(Also in Spanish: Los seminaries presentan oportunidades de aprendizaje en Miami Beach Graphics of the Americas ExpoNewZ. Edition 1. February 2014. p.7. - Capturing Customer Data Printing Industries of America 2014 Forecast Part 1: Trends and Tactics. January 2014. p.12ff.
- Mason’s Musings: That’s Show Business American Printer. Winter 2014. p.18ff.
- Mason’s Musings: A Contrarian Takes on 3D Printing and Other Controversies. American Printer. Edition 2, 2013. p.18ff.
- Selling Everything You Do. Printing Industries of America 2013 Forecast Part 2:The Print Production Process. July 2013. p.7ff.
- All Eyes on Landa. Graphics of the Americas Daily Expo Newz. Issue 1, February 2013.
(Also in Spanish: Todas las miradas en Landa. Graphics of the Americas Expo Newz. Issue 1, February 2013.) - Could Prototyping Be the Niche You Need? American Printer. Edition 1, 2013. p.26ff.
- Roll Your Own. American Printer. Edition 1, 2013. p.18ff.
- Technology and the Hammer. Printing Industries of America 2013 Forecast Part 1: Trends and Tactics. January 2013. p.32ff.
- Reflections on drupa. 2012 Forecast Part 2: The Print Production Process.September 2012. p.17ff.
- Defining Disintermediation. American Printer. Summer 2012. p.24.
- New Print Process Creates Striking Wine Labels. Practical Winery & Vineyard Journal. Summer 2012. p.46ff.
- Seven Myths about Marketing. Printing Industries of America 2012 Forecast Part 1: Trends and Tactics. January 2012. p.50ff.
- Plug-In to Graphic Design: Programs Create Special Effects. Printing Industries of America 2011 Forecast Part 2: The Print Production Process. September 2011. p.14ff.
- Take Your Business to the Next Level at FESPA Americas. Graphics of the Americas Show Daily. February 25-26, 2011. p.1. (Also in Spanish: Lleve su negocio al siguiente nivel en FESPA Américas. Graphics of the Americas Show Daily. February 25-26, 2011. p.1.25-26, 2011. p.1.)
- What Are You? Flexible or Rigid?Printing Industries of America 2011 Forecast Part 1: Trends and Tactics. January 2011. p.28ff.
- GOA Opening Day a Hit! Graphics of the Americas Show Daily.January 26-27, 2010. p.1.
- Print Business Management Software—How Does It Fit? Printing Industries of America 2010 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. January 2010. p.27ff.
- Meanwhile…Back at the [Label] Ranch. Printing Industries of America 2010 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. January 2010. p.67ff.
- The Digital Workflow: Partners in Progress. Label & Narrow Web. November/December 2009. p. 44
- Update Your Legacy Printing Industries of America: The Magazine. August/September 2009. p.7 ff. Reprinted in Printing Equipment Guide. October 16, 2009. p 22 ff.
- Update Your Legacy. Printing Industries of America: The Magazine. August/September 2009. p.7 ff.
- Charles Darwin and Printing. Printing Industries of America: The Magazine. June/July 2009. p.30 ff.
- Graphics of the Americas: Show Within a Show ’09. Graphics Update.March-April 2009. p.10 ff.
- A Guide to Sleeping Better at Night. Printing Industries of America 2009 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. February/March 2009. p.105
- Wrapping Up the Print Job. Printing Industries of America 2009 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. February/March 2009. p.107.
- Chinese Print Market Going Strong. Printing News. December 1, 2008. p.1 ff.
- AdColor Changes As Industry Changes. IPA Bulletin. September-October 2008. p.32 ff.
- Matters of State: New Jersey. Printing News. June 23, 2008. p.1ff.
- Graphics of the Americas ’08 Show Within a Show. Graphics Update. March-April 2008. p.21 ff.
- Matters of State: New York. Printing News. March 31, 2008. p.1 ff.</b?matters>
- Peering into the drupa Crystal Ball. PIA/GATF 2008 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. February 2008. p.5 ff.
- A New Way to Print Metallics.PIA/GATF 2008 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. February 2008. p.103.</b?a>
- Global Report: India. Printing News. December 3, 2007. p.1ff.
- Matters of State: Pennsylvania—Historic Roots, Modern-Day Innovation. Printing News. November 26, 2007. p.1ff.
- Global Report: China. Printing News. October 29, 2007. p.1ff.
- Meeting Mirrors Industry Changes. NAPL Business Review. September 2007. p.44 ff.
- Matters of State: Minnesota. Printing News. September 3, 2007. p.4 ff
- Business Management: Offset and Beyond. PIA/GATF Management Portfolio. July/August 2007. p.10 ff.
- Global Report: Germany’s Print Industry. Printing News. July 9, 2007. p.1ff.
- 2007 Graphics of the Americas: Show Within a Show – Postpress. PAF Graphics Update. July 2007. p.15 ff.
- 2007 Graphics of the Americas: Show Within a Show – Prepress; Flexo. PAF Graphics Update. July 2007. p.15 ff.
- 2007 Graphics of the Americas: Show Within a Show – Designers. PAF Graphics Update. July 2007. p.16
- The Forecast from Print Outlook. Printing News. April 30, 2007. p.1ff.
- Matters of State: New York. Printing News. April 23, 2007. p.1ff.
- Matters of State: Massachusetts. Printing News. April 16, 2007. p.1ff.
- 2007 Graphics of the Americas: Show Within a Show – Digital Printing; Presses; Software; Kodak Interview with Jeff Hayzlett. PAF Graphics Update. March/April 2007. p.20 ff.
- Beyond Conventional Wisdom. GATFWorld: PIA/GATF 2007 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. February 2007. p.82ff.
- Looking for Technology. GATFWorld: PIA/GATF 2007 Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. February 2007. p.99ff.
- Digital Smart Factory Melds Technology and Marketing. Printing News. February 5 2007. p.1ff.
- Denault Outlines Key Industry Challenges. NAPL Business Review. December 2006. p.64
- Matters of State: Illinois and Printing. Printing News. October 9, 2006. p.1ff.
- Global Report: Asia. Printing News. September 25, 2006. P.1ff.
- Global Report: A Perspective from Germany. Printing News. July 10, 2006. p.1ff.
- IPEX 2006—Big Showing in Britain. Printing Impressions. May 2006
- Globalization in the Printing Industry. GATFWorld: PIA/GATF 2006 Technology Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. February, 2006. p.4ff
- Adding Value Through Specialty Finishing. GATFWorld: PIA/GATF 2006 Technology Forecast: Technology, Trends, Tactics. February, 2006. p.72ff.
- Stevenson, The Color Company, Invokes Disaster Plan. IPA Bulletin. November/December 2005. p.36ff.
- Printers Divulge Digital Smart Factory Successes. Printing News. July 18, 2005. p.9.
- IPA Keeps Pace with Industry. Printing News. July 4, 2005. p.1ff
- Xerox Show Takes the High Road. Printing News. May 16, 2005. p.1ff.
- R&E Council Bindery Conference Touts Diversification, Automation. Printing News. April 25, 2005. p. 12ff
- Web Printing at Mid-Decade. Printing Impressions: Web Offset Special Report. April, 2005. p.Cff
- The 8th World Print and Communications Conference. PIA/GATF Management Portfolio. March-April 2005. p.10ff
- Chinese Market Presence Sets the Stage for WPC Event. Printing News. March 7, 2005. p.1ff
- Harvesting New Customers. GATFWorld: 2005 GATF Technology Forecast. February 2005. p. 68
- Forecast 2005: Technology Outlook in the Year of Print. Graphic Arts Monthly. January 2005, p.22ff. (Contributor)
- The Postpress Segment is Far From Finished. Printing Views. September 2004, p.6ff. Also in Southern Graphics, September 2004, p.6ff; Printing Journal, September 2004, p.6ff; and Print & Graphics, September 2004, p.6ff.
- Special Report: Soft Proofing: Color-Managed Soft Proofing Set To Present at Graph Expo. Printing News. August 30, 2004. p.1ff.
- Special Report—Workflow. An Interview with James E. Harvey: The Standard Bearer. Printing Views. August 2004. p.14ff.
Also in Southern Graphics, August 2004, p.14ff; Printing Journal, August 2004, p.14ff; and Print & Graphics, August 2004, p.14ff. - Finishing: Far From Finished. Printing News. July 26, 2004. p.1ff.
- Special Report – Workflow. An Interview with James E Harvey: The Standard Bearer. Printing News. June 21, 2004. p.1ff.
- Building better Binderies. Printing Impressions. June 2004. p.46ff.
- Getting a Jump on drupa 2004. Interview in Web Offset Association supplement to Printing Impressions. April 2004. p.Hff.
- Fighting the One-to-One Information Battle. Printing News. March 8, 2004. p.8ff; also in Printing Views, March 2004, p.12ff.
- Where Has All The Printing Gone? GATFWorld: 2004 GATF Technology Forecast. February 2004. p.12ff.
- Printers Looking at the Short-Run Trend Must Look Into Binding. Southern Graphics. January 2004. p.12; also in Print & Graphics, January 2004, p.12;Printing Journal, January 2004, p.12; and Printing Views, January 2004, p.12
- On-demand Printing Demands On-demand Binding. Printing News. December 15, 2003. p.1ff.
- Pressroom Issues Draw Industry Executives to R&E Event. Printing News. December 8, 2003. p.1ff; also in Graphics Network Printing Views, December 2003. p.5ff and in Print & Graphics, December 3, 2003. p.6ff.
- Endorsements for ‘Lean’ Practices Abound in the Printing Industry. Printing Views. October 2003. p.1ff.
- Printer-Customer Interface Gets a Lift from Technology. Printing News. September 15, 2003. p.1ff. Also in Printing Views, October 2003. p.12; Southern Graphics, October 2003. p.12; Printing Journal, October 2003. p.12; and Print & Graphics, October 2003. p.12.
- Lights Out in the Smart Factory. PrintAction. August 2003. p.16.
- Sheetfed Conference Offers Insights For A Bad Economy. Printing Views. August 2003. p.1ff . Also in Southern Graphics. August 2003. p1ff.
- Workflow – Defining Print’s Future. Printing News. July 28, 2003. p.1ff. Also in Printing Views. August 2003. p.9ff; Print & Graphics, August 2003. p. 9ff.
- Image Capture Update: A Good Scan is Hard to Find – Until Now. Printing News. May 19, 2003, p.1ff
- Bindery Community Puts It Forward. PrintAction. May, 2003. p.26ff.
- Annual IPA Marketing and Sales Conference Hits the Mark. Printing News. March 3, 2003. p.1ff
- Holistic Printing. GATFWorld: 2003 GATF Technology Forecast. February 2003. p.37ff.
- The Word from Print Outlook 03. Dealer Communicator. February 2003. p. 11ff.
- Slow Growth is Better than No Growth. PrintAction. January 2003. p. 18ff.
- Print Finishing: An Opportunity for Growth and Profit. Instant & Small Commercial Printer. January 2003, p 28ff.
- Playing for Keeps With Wide-Format Proofers. Printing News. October 21, 2002. p.11ff
- The Importance of Postpress Training. Southwest Graphics. September-October 2002. p.11ff.
- Harmonious Coexistence: Pair Your Color Management Software And Your Hardware. Printing News. August 19, 2002. p.10.
- The Workflows, They Are A-Changin’. Printing Views. August 2002. p.1ff. Also in Print & Graphics, August 2002, p.1ff, Printing Journal, August 2002, p.1ff, and Southern Graphics, August 2002. p1ff.
- Training Day: 44th Annual R&E Council Bindery, Finishing & Distribution Seminar Focuses On The Importance Of Postpress Training. BookTech The Magazine. July/August 2002. p.36ff.
- The Workflows, They Are A-Changin’. Printing News. July 22, 2002. p.6ff.
- IPEX 2002: Advancements in Printing, Workflows, Take Center Stage at Global Show. Printing Views. June 2002. p.1ff. Also in Print & Graphics, June 2002, p.1ff and Printing Journal, June 2002, p.1ff.
- Attendance Down, Technology Up at IPEX. Printing News. April 29, 2002. p.1ff.
- Print Outlook 2002—Explosive Growth of Information is Major Force. The Prepress Bulletin. January/February 2002. p.16ff.
- London Litho (Interview). Dealer Communicator. January 2002. p.10.
- Special Report: Postpress Equipment—The Search for the Newest Machines in Postpress Ends in Chicago. Printing News. December 2001. p.8ff. Also in Print & Graphics, December 2001, p.8ff and Printing Journal, December 2001, p.8ff.
- Reflections. PrintAction. October 2001. p.28.
- R&E Council Tours Pittsburgh’s Carnegie-Mellon Robotics Lab; Hears from printCafe Management. Printing News. October 29, 2001. p.6
- Digital Asset Management—Take 2. GATF EPS Newsletter. September/October 2001. p.12ff.
- Get Ready To Look At The Numbers. Inside Finishing. August/September 2001. p.7.
- The Digital Smart Factory. PrintAction. August 2001. p.8.
- R&E Council and GCA Advance the Digital Smart Factory’s Agenda at Orlando Meeting. Printing News. July 9, 2001. p.1ff.
- WOA Meeting Features Lou Holtz Keynote. Printing Views. July 2001. p.29ff.
- Business by the Numbers. Inside Finishing. May/June 2001. p.21ff.
- Printers Urged To Adopt IT and the Digital Future at Annual WOA Meeting. Printing News. May 21, 2001. p.1ff.
- Employees Come First In Finishing. Canadian Printer. May 2001.
- Jobbing Out: Ideas that Generate Revenue. Instant & Small Commercial Printer. May 2001. p.36ff.
- The Quick Print Show Plus PMA 2001—Not Your Father’s Quick Print Show. PrintImage Network. March 2001. p.11.
- Taking Time to Smell the Roses. Quick Print Products. February 2001. p.36.
- R&E Council Explores Critical Trends. GATF World. January/February 2001. p.21ff.
- GraphExpo Executive Outlook. PrintAction. November 2000. p.23
- R&E Council Celebrates Its Golden Anniversary; Explores Critical Trends. Printing News. November 6, 2000. p.1ff.
- Executive Outlook at GraphExpo 2000. PrintImage Network. November 2000. p.14.
- An SRO Crowd Hears R&E Council Analyze Trends Over Breakfast. Printing News. October 16, 2000. p.1ff.
- North American Printing at the Turn of the Century. Graphix (South Africa). October 2000. p.39ff.
- R&E’s Binding, Finishing and Distribution Seminar Hits the Mark. Binding, Finishing & Distribution. September/October 2000. p.18ff.
- Direct to Plate? Been There! Done That! Printing News. September 25, 2000. p.17ff. Also Printing Views, October 2000. p.18ff.
- Shopping in Chicago? A Look Back at drupa Shows 2000’s Debuts. Printing Views. September 2000. p.18ff. Also in Print & Graphics, September 2000, p.18ff and Printing Journal, September 2000, p.18ff.
- Integration Taking Hold in the Digital Smart Factory, But Slowly. Printing News. August 28, 2000. p.1ff.
- Prepress 2000. GATF EPS Newsletter. July/August 2000. p.3ff. (Collaboration with Deanna Gentile.)
- A Bindery Tour of drupa 2000. PrintAction. July 2000. p.24ff.
- ProFile: E-files to Print. Quick Print Products. June 2000. p.25. Also in PrintImage International Official 2000 Conference Guide.
- Rethinking The Bindery. PrintAction. June 2000. p.20
- Technology Wows Bindery Conference. PrintAction. June 2000. p.24.
- ‘Critical Trends’ Discussed at drupa Breakfast. Printing News. June 12, 2000. p.1ff.
- Industry Commentary: Time to Rethink the P? GATF EPS Newsletter. May/June 2000. p.2ff.
- R&E Bindery Seminar Details Postpress Challenges, Opportunities. Printing News. May 15, 2000. p.10ff.
- Don’t Miss Out on a Print Order. Job it Out! Instant & Small Commercial Printer. May 2000. p.32ff.
- Not A Stone Age Printer. Printing Impressions. April 2000. p.98ff.
- Derby City Litho: Managing A Family Affair. Instant & Small Commercial Printer. April 2000. p.61ff.
- PAF Puts On A Trade Show For The New Millennium. Southern Graphics. March 2000. p.1ff.
- ProFile: It’s Their Baby. Quick Print Products. March 2000. p.50.
- Technology Hot Spots: Digital Asset Management—What Happened? GATF EPS Newsletter. January/February 2000. p.3ff.
- ProFile: Winning Calendars. Quick Print Products. February 2000. p.24.
- General Litho Services: Remaking Itself Via Automated Manager. Printing Impressions. January 2000. p.66.